Battle of the brownies

I have a real problem with craving gooey chocolate goodness. Hopefully this is ease as I ween my body off the copious amounts of sugar it has been used to eating for the past 28 years.

In the meantime I’ve been experimenting  with 2 new low carb brownie recipes to indulge in…

The first was from Ditch The Carbs and is the nut-free option. I stupidly didn’t take a photo of these but they turned out surprisingly similar to the original post.

As the post says, these aren’t your typical brownie texture. They rise during baking then sink back down to a soft and squishy texture more like a cheesecake. They are tasty nonetheless, albeit slightly more bitter than my tastebuds are used to.

The second recipe is from Gestational Diabetes UK and requires paid membership so I won’t give away the authors secrets! These take a little longer to prepare but are much more like a normal brownie and worth the £5 membership fee themselves! I used Tescos 72% dark chocolate which is the highest I would go, but the higher the chocolate content the less sugar! I paired mine with squirty cream and some nuts to lessen the bitterness and will definitely be making these again!

Beautiful molten chocolate 

Even the mix has a less runny consistency than the first batch

For more information on food ‘pairing’ for diabetics see this useful post

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